How do I use MealManage? Is training available for parents? Are there user guides?
MealManage is easy to use. Please view the parent user guides and training videos on this page.
Download Parent User Guides for desired school type
Private schools - PDF Charter schools - PDF Public schools - PDF
Which devices, can I use to access MealManage?
MealManage can as accessed from iOS & Android apps or Web browser. Applications can be downloaded from following links.
How do I create an account?
If you don't already have one, please reach out to your students school meal admin to receive the registration email and follow the prompts to setup your account.
How do I login from a non-registered device?
Please use the registration email received or login at MealManage to access parent dashboard. Please use the same email address that was provided to school. The application will take you through a OTP authentication process to get the device registered and activated. Following videos provide step-by-step instructions.
Log-in Desktop
Log-in Mobile
I have multiple students in the school. Do I need multiple accounts?
You dont need multiple accounts. You can manage all students from single account and dashboard.
How do I add balance to my students lunch account?
Add meal balance - Desktop
Add meal balance - Mobile
Is your payment process secure?
Yes our payment processing matches industry standard PCI compliance. Your secure payment information is not stored by MealManage.
How do I pre order meals for the kids?
If your school particiaptes in pre-ordering, you will be able to pre-order and pay from your students dashboard.
Meal Ordering - Desktop
Meal Ordering - Mobile
Can I edit my lunch order?
Yes, lunch orders can be edited by parents until the ordering cut off date set by school admin. For changes after cut off date, please contact your school admin for assistance.
What about students with allergies?
Parents can record the student allergies in respective student profiles, which will provide alerts while ordering meals.
Where do I apply for free and reduced application?
After login, you will see step-by-step process to apply. Prefer refer to user guides or following videos.
Free & Reduced Applications - Desktop
Free & Reduced Applications - Mobile
How do we migrate to new school year?
Migration is easy process. Please review the pdf and vidoe guides provided below.
New year School migration guide - PDF
School migration guide - Video
School migration webinar recording - Video
Do we need to license other software along with MealManage?
MealManage is an all-in-one online platform for managing school meal program. No other software or license is needed.
Does the system work with free and reduced lunch sales?
Yes, Our system supports parents to submit the free and reduced lunch applications from parent dashboard. Also it support schools with free and reduced lunch sales.
On which platforms can POS be used? Does POS work in realtime?
POS can be used on iOS and Android platfroms. POS is realtime and even works in offline mode if wifi is Interrupted.
Can multiple administrators have access?
Yes, School admin can add any number of administrators to their school.
Does MealManage platform support multiple menus?
Yes, different menus can be created for the schools served by the caterer.
Will the caterer have visibility to the orders?
Caterer can view the orders and demand for the week and month from the dashboard and generate demand reports for each school.
Can the caterer accept payments for schools managed?
Yes, caterer can manage payment process and support online and instant payments.
What type of menus does the MealManage platform support?
MealManage supports multiple menu types (fixed, itemized and combination) and custom cut-off date configurations.